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Before You Get Home

Before You Get Home

This is a new e-book on preparing for reentry.Written for people anticipating a return to their passport country several months in the future, this book helps them leave "right," making it easier for them to enter "right."Using the Exodus as a model, it gives them an overview of what is ...
Cycle of Grace Part 1 (Acceptance)_中字

Cycle of Grace

Cycle of Grace (Playlist - 5 videos) ...
Support Raising Solutions

Support Raising Solutions

The podcast exists to help you thrive in ministry fully funded so that all will hear the gospel ...
The Spirituality of Fund-Raising

The Spirituality of Fund-Raising

Fund-raising is a subject we seldom think about from a spiritual perspective. We may think of fund-raising as a necessary but unpleasant activity to support spiritual things. Or we might believe that fund-raising reflects a failure to plan well or to trust enough that God will provide for all our ...
Missionary Transitions

Missionary Transitions

Missionaries go through major transitions when they move from their passport cultures to their host cultures and when they return "home." Of course, these transitions are discussed in this book; however, missionaries also go through transitions before they leave, while they are serving on the field and after they return ...
Pray As You Go

Pray As You Go

Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst traveling to and from work, study, etc ...
8 Types of Missionary Work That Make a Lasting Impact

8 Types of Missionary Work That Make a Lasting Impact

Missionary work. Upon hearing that phrase, a picture starts to form in our mind. Either we imagine playing in a village with little African children, giving food to the least of these, or building wells in a foreign country. However, the truth is that there is a much wider variety ...
10 Characteristics of a Church on Mission

10 Characteristics of a Church on Mission

The Tension to Be on Mission The church in every generation is called to bring the good news of the kingdom into a spiritual encounter with the aspirations and challenges of that culture where it resides. Simply, believers are on a mission from God in their respective communities. To engage ...
Answers to Prayer

Answers to Prayer

Mr. Brooks, in this compilation, has endeavored to select those incidents and practical remarks from Mr. Müller's Narratives, that show in an unmistakeable way, both to believers and unbelievers, the secret of believing prayer, the manifest hand of a living God, and His unfailing response, in His own time and ...
Mission Studies in a Postmodern World

Mission Studies in a Postmodern World

When it comes to ‘mission studies’, evangelicals are confronted with a peculiar paradox. Despite growing biblical, theological, and pragmatic appreciation of the centrality of ‘mission’ for a true evangelical Christianity, many flagship ‘mission studies’ programmes in Bible colleges and seminaries have removed ‘mission’ from their title.Behind this quixotic prominence and ...
Healthy, Resilient, & Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry: A Comprehensive Member Care Plan

Healthy, Resilient, & Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry: A Comprehensive Member Care Plan

This book has been designed to help leaders of sending agencies and churches in creating a comprehensive care plan for their members in mission. The first nine chapters give a comprehensive overview about the why and how-to of setting up a member care plan for cross-cultural workers. The following nine ...